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CodiProgUSB-MK2 - EEPROM programmer

CodiProgUSBMK2  is a universal EEPROM tool that allows to read, edit and write various types of EEPROM memory.
I2C, SPI and Microwire memory interfaces are supported.
The device is communicating with PC through USB port.
It allows to fully adjust main programming parameters like programming voltage, pull-up resistors, clock speed and read/write delays. It can load, edit and save files in *.bin, *.epp, and *.sec formats.

CodiProgUSBMK2 software includes the ability to upgrade device firmware to enable support for new memory types.
It is also possible to use some CodiProgUSBMK2 features without PC computer control.
FAST Erase all M35080 EEPROMs (in about 10 seconds): M35080, M35080-3, M35080-6, M35080-VP, M35080-V6, D80D0WQ, 160D0WQ.

Supported memory types:

  • I2C (24C01, 24C02, 24C04, 24C08, 24C16, 24C32, 24C64, 24C128, 8582C)
  • SPI (25C010, 25C020, 25C040, 25C080, 25C160, 25C320, 25C640, 25C128, 25C256)
  • SP08 (M35080, M35080v6, D80D0WQ, 160D0WQ)
  • Mircowire 16bit (M9306, M9346, 93C06, 93C46, 93C56, 93C66, 93C76, 93C86, 93CS56, 93CS66, 93CS76, 93CS86)
  • Microwire 8bit (93C46_8bit, 93C56_8bit, 93C66_8bit, 93C76_8bit, 93C86_8bit, Yazaki_8bit)
  • Freescale / Motorola MC68HC912D60 (4F73K) MC68HC912D60A (2K38K) MC68HC912DC128 (0K50E) MC68HC912DG128 (5H55W) MC68HC912DC128A (3K91D) MC68HC912DG128A (3K91D) MC9S12D64 (2L86D) MC9S12DG128B (0L85D) MC9S12DT128B (0L85D) MC9S12DT128B (1L85D) MC9S12DT128B (3L40K) MC9S12DB128B (0L85D) MC9S12A128B (0L85D) MC9S12H128 (1K78X) MC9S12DG256C (2K79X) MC9S12DT256C (2K79X) MC9S12DP256C (2K79X) MC9S12DP512 (4L00M) MC9S12H256 (1K78X) CAS4 (5M48H)



programator szeregowych pamięci EEPROM - CodiProgUSBMK2 (Windows 2000, XP, Vista, NT) software


CODIPROG EEPROM - CodiProgUSBMK2 - User Manual



DiagProg4 diagnostic tester for cars
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